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Manitoulin Places Art Cards
Last winter James had a vision about a journey he took with his mother when he was a young boy. He remembered her saying that all this land used to be bush as they passed through Li􀆩le Current. This led him to paint 12 landscapes based on Manitoulin Island places as they were before the communities were built. 6"x9" art cards are available separately and in a Limited Editon and numbered set of 500 with a bonus card NOT available separately. See the Shop to purchase.

Seven Grandfather Teachings
a journey to self healing
COMING SOON! Stunning paintings and the traditional teachings of the Seven Grandfathers aid the reader on their journey to self-healing. There are many books on the market that offer the author's view on the subject but what makes this book a successful tool is that it teaches us to heal using our own beliefs in our own words. PRE-ORDER NOW and you will receive a signed book prior to the release date! See the Shop to pre-order NOW!

Sacred Cave
Mishibinijima created this beautiful painting of a sacred cave to represent the eternal home of the children who were died at residential schools in Canada. This image will soon be available in the Shop as a print.

Ira Hayes
Mishibinjima paints the spirit of Ira Hayes, the brave young Akimel O'odham Native American U.S. Marine who was one of the flag raisers immortalized in the iconic photo, Raising the Flag on Iwo Jima. The painting depicts Ira with a sacred tree grown from his staff with the four directions.